
The Good Cop – Dallas Texas

We got pulled over by a cop because unknown to us, the registration on the car we were driving had expired. Fortunately, he let it slide after running hubby’s license and realized we were not Dallas residents.

Then we got talking and the foodie in me had to ask for good spots to try out some nice BBQ food. He wasn’t thrilled about the restaurant we had in mind. So he called his wife because he couldn’t remember the name of their favorite BBQ spot.

Sadly, they both could not remember even after he asked her to look it up on the internet.

This one minute video documented that encounter as I thought it was a great moment to capture and to promote what relationships with cops ought to be and I believe such videos/clips ought to be promoted more.

Ps. He did know he was being recorded but he didnt seem to mind.

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  1. This cracked me up! See the news always gives authorities a bad rep. But what you shared right here is indeed real life. I wished he remembered that BBQ place though.

  2. Wow, that’s nice of the cop to let it slide. That’s unfortunate for you that the car registration had expired. Anyway, I hope he remembered the BBQ place for you to try.

  3. I’ll be open I have not really understood what this post and video are, because I do not quite understand English. ☺️
    As far as I understood, these people were clinging to the party, and they were stopped by the police. I did not understand anything else.☺️

  4. Shame he didnt remember the BBQ place! Lovely video though, it is nice for people to share positive experiences not just the bad stuff!

  5. There’s definitely good law officials out there. Sucks that a few bad apples has ruined the reputation for everyone. Glad to hear you both were able to leave without getting a ticket!

  6. Awww that’s a such a nice cop. And good looking, too. You must’ve been affected so much by his kindness that you have devoted a blog post for him 😀

  7. Such a great idea to spread positivity about policeofficer.. He is so kind.. I think when he go back at home first thing he will research on BBQs😂

  8. I love that he did the best that he could to help you guys out. That’s an awesome encounter, hope you guys found that restaurant eventually.

  9. This is great!! There are so many amazing cops out there with good intentions. Such an awesome video, I’m glad you shared with us 🙂

  10. There is definitely good and bad people in all fields, but totally refreshing to see a good one because nowadays we see so much negativity.

  11. I agree, in real life, there are a lot of good person in service. Though news, even movies sometimes give them a lower perspective. That was an awesome video, great clip ad evidence I would say.

  12. It is so nice to see the great, kind or even polite things that our officers do. Like everything bad news, people or events gets more attention then the good and positive news, people or events!

  13. What a nice video! Most police officers Are very nice people who just wanna help others and serve their community.

  14. Generally we don’t even think that cops can be friendly with us too.. But after going through this incident it can be surely said that having a friendly experience with cops is really cool. ☺ I wish that recalling the name of that BBQ restaurant could have add up some more excitement to this ecperience …

  15. Ha-ha! He is definitely one great cop! I mean…it is so rare to come across such friendly cops; the encounter was so funny and I love the fact that he did not mind being recorded; many would even ask for some bribe once they know you are recording them!Ha-ha!

  16. This video was so adorable! Not what you typically expect when you’re getting stopped but it’s wonderful to see the good people in the world on display like this.

  17. It’s so great to see a good cop! I’m glad that he turned out to be so nice to you guys. 🙂

  18. This is a perfect post about grace. Most of us tend to think of cops as the bad guy but most of the time they are human just like we are and when they pull us over it isn’t necessarily to be mean. He/she is just doing their job. Thank you for sharing.

  19. Wow! What a great obliging cop you were lucky enough to meet. I wish the Garda in Ireland were a bit more like your American Cop. They are usually very serious and I have yet to meet one that has ever smiled at me….LOL!

  20. That’s awesome that he was reasonable and understanding. I feel like cops are so used to getting argued with over tickets that its hard to feel like you want to be nice!

  21. I know why he left you off, it would have meant 4 hours of paper work for nothing. No point in doing the paper work when you live outside his jurisdiction/state. Also, with Body cams and dash cams. They keep the Police on their toes to respect the Law. At least you were made aware of a situation which could be sorted once you got home.

    Everything in the UK is now computerised. They can tell if the car is Insured and taxed (Road Taxed – A yearly tax we have to pay each year) and even our driving licences are on their systems. They can access the main UK version of the DMV (DVLA) to look at our driving history.. It is frightening as what they can access about us, but it means we don’t need to carry too many documents with us when driving. I just carry my license so if I am in a road accident, I can be identified easily enough. Plus I have a Dash cam, which records everything.

    Great post and thanks for sharing

    John M

  22. Sounds like you had a good experience with the police, as it’s not been as nice in news lately. Shows there is still some good people in the world

  23. THAT is AMAZING! Thank you for sharing this video, in fact, cops, as many other key professions as doctors, teachers, etc, when they do good they do a lot of good to society and when they do bad, they harm the society deeply! I think that’s why bad cops are a dreadful thing.

    Nati | Polished Polyglot

  24. Such a lovely cop! Thanks for sharing the video, really does show that like all professions, there are good as well as bad

  25. Seeing recordings like this is always great. You tend to only see the bad things about cop encounters when things are shared.

  26. We rarely find good cops like him. It was your lucky day I guess otherwise i could have been a very hard situation to tackle.

  27. This is wonderful. I wish the police in my area were more like this guy! The police around here are so rude and disrespectful – no matter how nice you are to them.

  28. What a great video! This cop is awesome! We definitely need more like him 🙂 It’s a bummer though that him or his wife didn’t know the name of the BBQ place.

  29. Such a great video and nice to see a cop being respectful and helpful even though he couldn’t remember the name of the restaurant

    Laura x

  30. Wow!! In this day and age its really hard to find a good cop so it goes to show you there are some good ones out there. Great post!

  31. That would have terrified me but then he totally changed the whole situation and made it helpful! Such a cool experience. Did you find the place?

  32. I do believe there are some really good cops out there. I also believe they are surrounded by so much negativity that sometimes some of them just become hardened by it. But I believe that if you’re genuinely a good person, then nothing can change who you are.

  33. Ha! I love how a potentially bad situation turned into something positive. And kudos to the officer for truly being a public servant! 🙂

  34. Ha ha ha! What a great exchange you two had. It’s nice to see that there are still good people out there.

  35. Ahhh, that gave me a good chuckle! It’s cool to see how something that is as nerve wracking as getting pulled over is, turn into such a positive experience.

  36. He sounds like a great cop. And though we all dread and avoid encounters with Policemen, a lot of times these are not as bad as we anticipate.

  37. It was nice that you captured a positive interaction with a police officer. People of color are sometimes filled with anxiety during traffic stops.

  38. I’m assuming that with the current climate in America this post is trying to portray that there are some good cops out there this really made me smile.

  39. I never knew registration plates could expire, crazy how different things work in other countries. I love that the cop went out of his way to help you guys though, it’s so nice to see something positive for a change x

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