

In this video, I reviewed the book, Humans of New York (H.O.N.Y) by Brandon Stanton. I discussed why I like his books, the best time to purchase and my rating.

What I love most about his stories are how relatable and diverse they are. I am curious to know your opinion of his stories. Please share your thoughts.

Check out H.O.N.Y IG page here.

Click here for H.O.N.Y FB page.


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  1. I first heard about this book and Brandon Stanton on The Tim Ferris Show (the podcast) and I got really interested in buying it but I ended up forgetting about it, now that I saw your review it all came back to me.
    I´m definitely looking for it today!
    Thanks for sharing

  2. I really liked this book too. It’s interesting to get a little glimpse into all these different people’s lives.

  3. I’ve seen some of his work on SM and find it truly fascinating to read all the unique and different stories. I truly enjoy how diverse, real and raw they are.

  4. This is pretty interesting actually, whatever about NYC picks the interest in me. I have absolutely enjoyed the video. I am following it in youtube now

  5. I had no idea there was a HONY book — I’ve seen the stories on Facebook; it’s cool that they compiled all the stories into an actual book. It looks like a coffee table book!

  6. I lived in NYC the first 32 years of my life and the stories from HONY remind me why I miss it so much. It’s like no other place in the world. I had meant to get the book when it launched but I missed it. Thanks for the review!

  7. Humans of New York is a remarkable collection of pictures that display the outsized personalities of New York!!! Good one

  8. I’ve never heard of this book before, seems like something i would really enjoy! Thanks a lot for the awesome review.

  9. I can’t remember the last time I picked up a book to read but after watching your video am definitely getting back to reading again starting with HONY. I need books that reviews diverse knowledge and impact to life. Thanks ddah

  10. I love the human interest types of stories. I think it’s why World War Z worked so well as a zombie book because it told human interest tales and connected them all to form a greater narrative. This looks interesting for sure.

  11. I’ve briefly followed HONY online and always find it so interesting. I think this book would be a great way to dive deeper into people’s stories and find inspiration for your own story.

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